Hey hey hey!!!
Pour yourself a cuppa tea and let’s chat about the big fat elephant that stomps through our mind whenever we start getting on the right path of de-cluttering our minds and finally paying more attention to our finances or getting up the courage to try whatever we have long ago put off. Let’s chat about the fear of rejection, not being good enough or just the fear of failing and having to try again.
Yep, this elephant seems to find it way in everyone’s mind at one point or another. There are so many ugly little voices that rear their ugly heads in our mind sometimes. But by you opting not to step out on faith and setting out to accomplish what you desire in life, whether that be to save more money, get in front of the camera or even apply to the jobs you want, you are cheating your present self and your future self out of a great life.
I’ve experienced fear of failure, fear of rejection, wondering what others might think of me (people who don’t matter by the way – so glad I’m over that now, it took a while) and it almost stopped me doing all the things I wanted in life.
Yep! You are not alone. But then I realized that I was the only person stopping me. Either I had to take action or I could sit and be a passive participant in life and allow life to happen to me. Either road I chose would lead to an outcome, and sitting back and allowing life to happen to me guaranteed it wouldn’t be the life I desired.
Today, because I preserved it makes those feelings pale into insignificance because of the life I have now. So know this amazing thing, positive + positive = nothing but positive. Take it one step at a time (I’m here with you), doesn’t mean you won’t have challenges but the likelihood of you getting there is great!
So tell me, what will you commit to doing that faces you today? As for me, I’m committed to continuing to chip away at my personal career and new financial goals.
Drop me a line on the coaching page and let me know what you’re committing to.
See you around soon!
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